Apakah Test IELTS itu?

IELTS adalah tes kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang diakui tinggi secara international. Pemilik IELTS adalah IDP IELTS Australia, the British Council dan the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

Materi pada test IELTS

Test yang terdapat dalam IELTS tidak jauh berbeda dengan test kemampuan bahasa inggris lainya, meliputi Listening, Reading, Writing, dan Speaking

Persiapan test IELTS

Preparation sangatlah penting untuk menghadapi test ielts. Dengan persiapan dan latihan di harapkan pada saat test kita sudah terbiasa dengan berbagai jenis soal yang di ujikan, sehingga bisa mencapai score yang tinggi

Fasilitas lengkap dan modern

Salah satu kunci sukses dalam preparation atau persiapan IELTS adalah fasilitas yang cukup lengkap dan modern. Sehingga siswa merasa nyaman dalam belajar

Sukses berawal dari IELTS

IELTS di selenggarakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kerja dan pendidikan yang di akui oleh berbagai institusi di seluruh dunia, Dengan IELTS anda bisa memasuki dunia kerja atau Study dengan lebih optimis

Contoh Soal IELTS Reading - Academic Module

Read the passage, then fill in each gap with one word from the box at the foot o the page. Write your answer in the space below the passage. The first one has been done as an example.

Loosing your passport
 If something has happened to your passport, inform your embassy at one once and ask them to tell you all the documents that you will need to produce to be(1).__________ with a new one. This is most important because embassies require extensive documents proof of nationality, as well as proof of identity, such as driving license, or credit cards. So take care that you are not wasting time and money when you can least(2)._________ either. If your passport has been lost and stolen, your embassy will want you to(3).________ the incident to the police as soon as possible. When you do so, ask the police reference number of your case as many of the embassies find this useful in the following up your(4).________ .
Similarly, take your passport number with you to the embassy, as this will accelerate your case. The size and number of the photographs that you will need will(5).________ on your embassy, and some may even recommend a photographer. You should also confirm with embassy officials how much you will have to pay, and also in what(6)._________ it is to be paid.
Some the embassies are prepared to issue on-the-spot emergency passport, requiring no more than your oath to claim your(7).________ , but as a precaution you should investigate the requirements before you are actually(8)._________ to make an emergency request.

List of answers

  • afford
  • answer
  • applied
  • character
  • claim
  • considered
  • currency
  • depend
  • forced
  • identity
  • investigate
  • issued
  • money
  • report
  • spend  
Answer keys
  1. issued
  2. afford
  3. report
  4. claim
  5. depend
  6. currency
  7. identity
  8. forced   

Skills for the IELTS Speaking Module

The IELTS speaking test will be conducted in three parts, which will be described in.

Part 1.  Introduction and Interview

     In the introduction of part 1, the examiner will first greet you and then introduce himself or herself and will invite you to do the same. your identification will also be checked here.
SKILL Greeting the interviewer and introducing yourself.
Phrases you could use:

  • Good afternoon. My name is (name)
  • Hello. My name  is (name) but most of my friends call me (shortened version of name/nickname)
the interview section of part 1 will follow with question related closely to your own personal life and then continue with further question that are related to your wider experience. Initially you may be asked about your background or your home or what you are currently doing. The question may extend to topics related to your country, such us customs or lifestyle and your personal involvement with these.
  • You will need to give relevant factual information related to yourself
  • you will also need to be able to be express your opinion or your attitudes towards a familiar issue without relying on the interview to help you.

The idea is for you talk and gives as much information as you can. Even if you are not sure what the interviewer is asking you, do your best to give an answer. Do not simply answer 'yes' or 'no'. Do not, however, memories response. If you appear to be reciting from memory, the examiner will disregard what you are saying and ask you another question.
Before you begin preparing for the interview section of part 1, you may wish to make a list of topics related to your country, culture, lifestyle, personal interests etc. Once you have completed such a list, think about possible question you could be asked that relate to the skill of this part of the test. You can gain further practice by answering question you could be asked from the following task cards.

Part 2.  Individual Long Turn

In part 2, the examiner wants you to have a long turn speaking on your own that lasts between one and two minutes.
You will be given paper and pencil as well as a topic written a general instruction related to given topic and several suggestion of what you should include in your long turn. You will also be given a minute to think about and/or make some notes on what on you are going to say. The examiner will tell you when to begin. Speak as clearly as you can, and try to present your ideas in a logical way. If you speak for more than two minutes, the examiner will ask you to finish. Then you may be asked some further question before the examiner begins the discussion in part 3.
In part 2, the topic will be reasonably easy to talk about. You can prepare for this part by choosing sample topics such as a favorite book, or film or television program, a special friend, or even type of animal you like. Make notes about what you would like to say. Study the suggestion for useful phrases in this part to help you organize your speech. Then present your ideas to a partner. Even if you feel that you have do not very much to say about the topic, try to keep talking. Practice speaking for up to two minutes. For further practice. select one of the practice Task Cards. Study the suggestion about what you should say and give yourself one minute to prepare and jot down ideas before presenting you ideas to a partner.

practice Task Cards A
Describe a famous person whom you admire
You should say:

  • who this person is
  • what he or she is like 
  • the length of time you have admire  this person
  • for what this person is well known.
  • and explain the reason why you look up to this person. 

practice Task Cards B
Describe a place that is very special to you
You should say:

  • where is this
  • what is it like there 
  • how often you go there
  • how you feel when you are there.
  • and explain why this place is important to you.

Part 3.  Two-way Discussion

In part 3, the interviewer will converse with you in greater depth on particular, more abstract topic. This two-way discussion will be linked by theme to the topic you spoke about in part 2.
During this part, the interviewer will allow this discussion to become more complex by asking you a series of question. you may have to give answers that describe, compare, evaluate, justify or speculate on ideas related broadly to an issue.
In order to prepare for part 3, select on of practice Task Cards and ask a partner to discuss the given question suggestion with you. Try also to think of further topic that may be include. in your discussion answers, try to included. In your discussion answers, try to include some of the suggestion for useful phrases related to the skills required for the two-way discussion.


In the IELTS listening section, the recording is played once only. You must, therefore, use a number of strategies to help you listen closely. You will need four main skills to do well in the IELTS Listening section. These are:

1. Understanding the instruction

Instruction are both written on the question paper and spoken on the audio recording. Read and listen to every word in the instruction very carefully. Ensure that you follow them exactly and answer in the correct way.

2. Previewing and Predicting 

An announcer will briefly outline:
- the topic                 - who is talking                       - the situation
Try to listen carefully  as this will help you to preview the question.
Before the recording begins for each section, you will be given up to 30 seconds to read and become familiar with the question. Use this time efficiently so that you can prepare yourself to listen the information you  need.
Here are some hints for previewing and predicting.
  •  Study the question carefully and try to predict what type of answer is required. For example, Will it be s date, a name or maybe a number?
  • Check the differences between similar-looking pictures or diagram.
  • Look for minor details such us different numbers or omissions.
In addition the 30 seconds before each section, you will also be given 30 seconds after each section to look over your answer. if you are satisfied with your answers in the section you have just finished, move on to the next section and use the full 60 seconds for previewing.

3. Listening for specific information

Use of previewing and predicting skills will help you listen for the specific information you need to answer the question in the listening section. Listening for the keywords and common connective words often helps to signal the specific information that you need in order to answer the question. Make sure that while you are actually writing your answers, you continue to listen to the information given in the recording as there will not be a second opportunity to hear it.

4. Checking and Rewriting.

You are given about 30 seconds after each section to check you answers. Check that all your answers correspond with the given instruction.
Make sure that you have answered every question. Marks are not deducted for incorrect answer so, if you are unsure of a particular answer, you should guess by writing down what you think is the most likely answer.
Check that you have included only what is necessary in the answer.
At the end of the listening section, you are given about 10 minutes to transfer your answers from the question paper onto the answer sheet. Scan your answers to ensure that you have transferred the correctly, so that the number on the question paper corresponds with the number on the answer sheet. Be especially careful when transferring answers from tables as sometimes the items are not ordered li-early.  

Hal-Hal Yang Perlu Diperhatikan Dalam Tes IELTS.

Pada saat ujian berlangsung, pusat tes IELTS akan membantu anda dengan ramah. Mereka juga akan mengikuti prosedur yang ketat guna menjamin kualitas dan keamanan tes. Berikut adalah beberapa panduan untuk mengambil tes.
Datanglah tepat waktu dan cobalah untuk rileks dan tenang sehingga anda dapat melakukan yang terbaik dalam ujian. Ada sebagian tempat yang mewajibkan finger print and photograph taking pada saat sebelum tes, atau 3 hari sebelum tes.

Bawa paspor / kartu identitas Anda:
  • Anda harus memiliki identifikasi yang sama dengan yang anda tuliskan pada formulir aplikasi IELTS anda. Jika anda tidak memiliki dokumen identifikasi yang benar, maka anda tidak dapat mengikuti tes.
  • Bawalah pena, pensil dan penghapus yang anda butuhkan untuk ujian.

Selama pengujian:
  • Ikuti instruksi pengawas. Jika anda ragu, angkat tangan anda dan pengawas akan membantu anda.
  • Beritahu pengawas jika anda tidak diberikan kertas pertanyaan yang benar, atau jika kertas pertanyaan tidak lengkap atau tidak terbaca.
  • Anda tidak dapat meminta penjelasan dari pertanyaan.
  • Anda tidak diizinkan untuk meminjamkan atau meminjam sesuatu dari orang lain.
  • Jika anda merasa pekerjaan anda akan terganggu oleh suatu penyakit atau alasan lain, segera beritahu pengawas.

Anda tidak boleh:
  • Mencoba menyontek atau menyalin jawaban kandidat lain dan mengganggu keberlangsungan tes.
  • Menggunakan, atau mencoba menggunakan, kamus, pager, spell-checker, perekam elektronik dan ponsel atau anda akan didiskualifikasi.
  • Berbicara atau mengganggu kandidat lain saat tes dimulai. Merokok atau makan di ruang ujian.
  • Memperbanyak/meng-copy bagian apapun dari tes. anda akan didiskualifikasi dan dituntut untuk bertanggung jawab.
  • Membawa bahan apapun dari ruang ujian. Termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, lembar ujian, lembar jawaban dan lembar kerja.
  • Meninggalkan ruang ujian tanpa izin.
Jika anda melanggar salah satu aturan, hasil tes anda akan didiskualifikasi dan institusi yang akan menerima hasil tes anda tidak akan menerima pemberitahuan sebelumnya.

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban IELTS General Writing Task 1


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:


You have been offered a job that will require you to move to a city that you have never visited before. You have an acquaintance who lives there.

Write a letter to the acquaintance. In your letter
  • explain your situation
  • say why you feel unsure about living in the city
  • ask some questions about life in the city


Dear Susilo,

     I am writing to ask you for some information that will help me make a decision. I have recently been offered a job in Bogor. I am very much interested in the job, but as you know, I have never even visited Surabaya. I am not sure whether I would like living there. Since you have lived there for a while, I thought you could answer some questions for me.

     One thing, I am worried about the is the weather. I have heard that it rains in Bogor all the time. Is this true? It sounds very depressing. I have also heard that Bogor is a growing city, and I am afraid it would feel very crowded to me. I have never lived in a city before. Another thing I wonder about is leisure activities. I like going out fishing a lot. Are there good places to go fishing in Bogor? What about badminton court? I would not want to live in a place where I could not go to play badminton frequently.

     Another important issue is housing. I have heard that Bogor is very expensive. Is it hard to find a nice housing at a reasonable rent. What neighborhoods would you recommend?

     I appreciate your taking the time to answer my questions, and I look forward to hearing from you. If I decide to accept the job in Bogor, then I hope we will be able to get together frequently.

Best wishes,

Kata Kunci Yg Sering Digunakan Writing Task 1

1. Pertumbuhan yang cepat
Climb, increase rapidly, fast gowth

2. Pertumbuhan yang lambat
Gradual, steady climb

3. Tidak ada perubahan
Steady, stable, unchanging

4. Penurunan yang lambat
Gradual, modest decline

5. Penurunan yang cepat
drop, fell

6. Perubahan yang cepat
Spike, dive, nose-dive

7. Keadaan yang tidak stabil
Volatile, rapid changes, unstable, unpredictable

8. Paling tinggi
Peak, highest

9. Paling rendah

IELTS Essential Words

Berikut ini saya lampirkan contoh kata kata yang sering dipakai dalam IELTS Reading.

Access (n) - The Inca Trail provides one way to gain acces to Machu Picchu.
Accessibility (n)- The train from Cuzco increases accessibility to Machu Picchu.
Access (v) - Fewer people can access the site because the trip has become so expensive.
Accessible (adj) - Machu Pichu is accessible by plane, train, or hiking.
Inaccessible (adj) - Machu Pichu is inaccessible except by plane, train, or hiking.

Adventure (n) - Our trip to Machu Pichu was a great adventure.
Adventurer (n) - We felt like modern-day adventurers.
Adventure (v) - We adventured into places where few people visit.
Adventurous (adj) - Adventurous people enjoy hiking in the Andes Mountains.
Adventurously (adv) - We hiked adventurously over tall peaks and steep cliffs.

Archeologist (n) - An archeologist in insterested in ancient cultures.
Archeology (n) - The field of archeology has taught us a great deal about the ancient world.
Archeological (adj) - Machu Picchu is one of the most visited archelogical sites in the world

Defense (n) - The shade from trees provides a defense against the drying effects of the sun.
Defender (n) - Defenders of the environment work to protect plants and animals from damage caused by logging.
Defend (v) - Fish cannot defend themselves from the effects of water pollution.

20 Tips Sukses Mengikuti Tes IELTS

1. Dalam Listening Test, Gunakan contoh soal yang di berikan pada bagian awal untuk membiasakan diri dengan suara , situasi, dan speaker.

2. Dalam listening test, tetaplah mendengarkan sampai rekaman berhenti, pastikan pandangan anda tertuju hanya pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan bagian yang sedang di perdengarkan.

3. Dalam Listening Test. Sering ada jeda dalam rekaman antara bagian yang satu menuju bagian yang lain. Gunakan ini untuk persiapan menjawab pertanyaan berikutnya.

4. Jawaban untuk Listening Test seharusnya berurutan . Karena biasanya pertanyaan dan jawaban mengikuti urutan informasi dalam rekaman.

5. Pada akhir rekaman Anda diberikan waktu untuk memindahkan jawaban anda ke Lembar Jawaban. Periksa tata bahasa dan ejaan saat Anda melakukannya.

6. Dalam Academic Reading, mulailah dengan cepat mengidentifikasi setiap bagian bacaan yang ada. Sehingga  anda dengan cepat bisa mengetahui beberapa informasi dari bacaan seperti : Topik bacaan, Gaya bahasa, Sumber bacaan, Tujuan penulis dan lain lain.

7. Ketika Anda membaca, jangan mencoba untuk memahami makna yang tepat dari setiap kata atau frase. Anda tidak akan punya waktu untuk melakukannya, karena bisa jadi kata kata yang anda tidak ketahui dan membuat anda terpaku untuk mengetahui artinya, justru mungkin tidak akan keluar dalam pertanyaan di bagian selanjutnya. Jadi hanya akan menghabiskan waktu anda.

8. Reading Task  terkadang memiliki contoh jawaban. Jika hal ini terjadi, Pelajari sehingga tahu mengapa itu benar.

9. Beberapa tugas mengharuskan Anda untuk menggunakan kata-kata dari teks dalam jawabannya, tetapi ada juga yang mengharuskan   menggunakan kata-kata Anda sendiri. Maka dari itu perhatikan instruksi dengan benar dan seksama.

10. Instruksi juga mungkin termasuk batas kata, misalnya “Gunakan tidak lebih dari tiga kata”. Perhatikan hal ini sehingga anda dapat menghindari kata-kata yang tidak perlu dalam jawaban Anda.

11. Dalam Academic Writing, Anda harus selalu menjaga korelasi tulisan dengan tema atau topic yang di minta. Jangan pernah mencoba untuk mempersiapkan bagian teks sebelum ujian.

12. Perhatikan Waktu yang di berikan. Biasanya alokasi waktu untuk Taks 2 & Task 1 berbeda.

13. Mengatur dan menghubungkan ide dan kalimat dengan tepat, menggunakan berbagai bahasa dan menunjukkan kemampuan bahasa Anda (in Task 2) untuk mendiskusikan ide-ide dan mengekspresikan opini anda.

14. Jika Anda menulis kurang dari 150 kata dalam Task 1 atau kurang dari 250 dalam Task 2 Anda akan kehilangan nilai, tetapi tidak ada jumlah maksimum kata untuk Task 1 maupun Task 2.

15. Ketika Anda merencanakan esai Anda, alokasikan banyak waktu di akhir bagian untuk memeriksa pekerjaan Anda.

16. Dalam Speaking Test, jangan mencoba untuk memberikan kata kata yang dipersiapkan, tetapi ikuti saja semua pertanyaan dari examiner. Anggaplah itu percakapan biasa. Satu lagi, jangan pernah berbicara tentang topik yang berbeda dari yang  diminta oleh Examiner.

17. Selalu berbicara langsung kepada Examiner, anggap saja seperti obrolan biasa. Fokuskan pandangan anda pada examiner.

18. Setiap kali Anda menjawab 'Ya' atau 'Tidak' untuk pertanyaan dari Examiner, tambahkan rincian untuk jawaban Anda. Bertujuan untuk menjelaskan setidaknya satu penjelasan. Itu akan lebih baik daripada anda hanya menjawab seperlunya dan singkat, atau “YA” dan “Tidak” saja.

19. Dalam Speaking Test, Ingatlah bahwa Anda tidak sedang diuji pada pengetahuan umum Anda, tetapi  yang di nilai adalah pada kemampuan Anda untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif.

20. Mengatur dan menghubungkan ide dan kalimat dengan tepat, berbicara dengan jelas pada kecepatan normal dan menggunakan berbagai struktur dan kosa kata yang tepat. Dengan demikian anda akan mendapatkan nilai yang baik.

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagrams below show UK students' responses to the question of to what extent would they describe themselves as financially organised. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

 Very Organised %
 All students

 Age up to 22 years
 Age 23 - 25 years
 Age Over 26 years

Writing Tips :

Dalam IELTS Writing Task 1, Anda tidak perlu untuk menjelaskan semua informasi yang diberikan. Untuk meringkas, Anda harus memilih fitur-fitur utama dari apa yang ditampilkan. Informasi sering diberikan dalam bentuk grafik, chart, atau table. Baca judul, kata kunci dan sumber untuk data untuk memahami atau menganalisa keterkaitan hubungan data di atas. Data mungkin menunjukkan perbedaan atau perubahan dari waktu ke waktu, antara tempat-tempat, atau antara kelompok orang. Cobalah untuk mengidentifikasi , kesamaan, tren atau perbedaan data yang di tampilkan.

Sample Answer (150 words) :

The two diagrams show students' responses to the question of how good they are at managing their finances. The pie chart illustrates the ability of UK students to manage their finances and the table shows the proportion of students, by age, who think they are very organised at managing their finances.

More than three-quarters of students (76%) believe they are either ‘very’ or ‘fairly’ organised financially, while one in five (20%) say they are not very organised in this area. Only 4% of students rate themselves as ‘not at all’ competent.

The ability to manage one’s finances well would seem to develop with age and experience as older students are almost twice as likely to say they are ‘very’ organised than younger ones (31% of students aged 26 or over compared to just 17% for those aged up to 22).

Overall, the findings suggest that students generally manage their finances well.

IELTS Test Online ?

Ternyata masih banyak yang belum tahu atau mengerti tentang format test ielts. Terbukti dari email yang masuk ke ielts-jakarta, masih banyak yang menanyakan tentang IELTS Test Online atau pertanyaan seperti bisakah test ielts secara online ? Sampai tulisan ini di buat, format test ielts yang ada sekarang ini, masih dalam format test secara offline. Jadi sejauh ini secara resmi belum ada penyelenggaraan test ielts secara online. Banyaknya informasi di dunia maya mungkin membuat bingung calon peserta test ielts. Biasanya yang di lakukan secara online yang berhubungan dengan ielts adalah preparation atau les ielts. Program Preparation ielts online atau program les ielts secara online. Memang banyak di tawarkan oleh beberapa situs baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Untuk IELTS Indonesia sendiri sejauh ini baru registrasi ielts atau pendaftaran ielts yang bisa di lakukan secara online. Pendaftaran test ielts secara online juga di lengakapi fasilitas untuk melakukan pembayaran secara online. Jadi untuk melakukan registrasi atau pendaftaran test ielts, sekarang tidak perlu datang langsung ke test center ielts. Jadi kesimpulan nya test ielts online secara resmi tidak ada, yang ada adalah pendaftaran ielts secara online, termasuk juga mengetahui hasil test ielts secara online.

Mengapa Simulasi IELTS Penting

Simulasi IELTS atau IELTS Prediction Test sangatlah penting. Salah satu kegagalan peserta test ielts dalam mendapatkan score atau nilai ielts yang tinggi adalah kurangnya persiapan termasuk juga minimnya informasi tentang format test ielts. Tidak sedikit yang sebenarnya mempunyai kemampuan bahasa inggris yang cukup baik. Namun mendapatkan score ielts yang rendah atau tidak sesuai target. Simulasi ielts atau prediction test merupakan salah satu kunci untuk meraih score ielts yang tinggi. Karena dengan mengikuti simulasi ielts, selain kita dapat mengukur kemampuan. Akan tetapi juga yang jauh lebih penting adalah kita akan dapat memahami dan mengetahui format test ielts yang akan di ujikan. Dengan demikian, ketika pada hari test benar benar sudah siap. Kemampuan untuk mengenali format test inilah yang kadang di abaikan ketika menghadapi test ielts. Simulasi test sendiri biasanya di adakan di lembaga lembaga atau tempat kursus yang menyelenggarakn persiapan ielts atau les ielts ataupun juga ielts preparation test. Untuk di jakarta sendiri tidaklah terlampau sulit untuk mencari tempat les ielts yang juga menyelenggarakan simulasi ielts atau ielts prediction test.


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