Apakah Test IELTS itu?

IELTS adalah tes kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang diakui tinggi secara international. Pemilik IELTS adalah IDP IELTS Australia, the British Council dan the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

Materi pada test IELTS

Test yang terdapat dalam IELTS tidak jauh berbeda dengan test kemampuan bahasa inggris lainya, meliputi Listening, Reading, Writing, dan Speaking

Persiapan test IELTS

Preparation sangatlah penting untuk menghadapi test ielts. Dengan persiapan dan latihan di harapkan pada saat test kita sudah terbiasa dengan berbagai jenis soal yang di ujikan, sehingga bisa mencapai score yang tinggi

Fasilitas lengkap dan modern

Salah satu kunci sukses dalam preparation atau persiapan IELTS adalah fasilitas yang cukup lengkap dan modern. Sehingga siswa merasa nyaman dalam belajar

Sukses berawal dari IELTS

IELTS di selenggarakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kerja dan pendidikan yang di akui oleh berbagai institusi di seluruh dunia, Dengan IELTS anda bisa memasuki dunia kerja atau Study dengan lebih optimis

Prepare for IELTS Speaking

This module consist of a one-to-one interview with an examiner. The interview lasts between 11 and 14 minutes and is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1. Introduction and interview
Here you will be introduced to the examiner and your name and identity will be checked. As awarm-up to the remainder of this parts. You will be asked a series of question that relate to your own personal life. These will be closely followed by further question, also based on familiar topics, that cover slightly wider range of experiences. In parts 1, the examiner can repeat a question only once, as he or she must adhere to a predetermined script. The examiner is not allowed to explain the question to you. This part normally takes four to five minutes.

  • Part 2. Individual long turn
In this part, the examiner will give you a topic and ask you to talk about it for one to two minutes. You will be told that you have one minute to prepare your ideas and you will be given some paper and a pencil for making notes about the given topic. You will also be presented with a candidate Task sheet, which tells you what to describe and what details you should include in your short presentation. After one minute, the examiner will ask you to begin. At the end of your presentation, the examiner may ask you one or two question related to your talk in order to complete this part of the test. Including preparation time, this part usually takes three to four minutes.

  • Part 3. Two-way discussion
Here, the examiner will encourage you to disscus a series of more general questions related by theme to the topic you spoke about in part 2. The disscusion typically goes into some depth in this part, the examiner will often ask question that are quite abstract and that require complex answer. This part of the test normally takes four to five minutes.

The examiner will then thank you, and that will signal the end of our speaking test.

1. Remember that the speaking module is not assessing your knowledge of any particular subject. There is no need to feel anxious that a speaking topic might be unfamilar to you.

2. Your interview will be recorded by the examiner.

~GoodLuck.semoga berhasil~

Skills for the IELTS Writing Module

All too often students begin planning or even writing their answer in the IELTS writing module before they understand what is actually expected of them. Following the steps below will help you to plan a well-structured and coherent essay or report that addresses the given task.

1. Preparation
You may wish to spend about 5-7 minutes working out exactly what you are going to do. There are five steps to considers :

  • Study the question carefully. Most task statement or question have a key instructional word or words telling you what to do. Note these words with a pen or pencil. There are also key topic words that point to the most important parts of the question. Underline those word too. Ask yourself how the key words relate to the given instruction.

  • Think carefully about the topic. How do you feel about it ?

  • Establish a point of view and list some points for development. The answer normally takes the form of a short essay. The word 'essay' comes from the french verb essayer, which means ' to attempt or try out' or ' to test'. In an IELTS writing module task 2 answer, your purpose is to develop your point of view in a convincing way.

  • Decide which points will be written as topic sentences. Think about how they will develop into paragraphs.

  • Ensure that your points are arranged in a logical order

2. Writing

When you are writing a task 2 answer, structure based on the following elements could be used.
  • Introductory paragraph
The introduction of a task 2 answer should begin with a general statement or idea of your own that takes into account the key topic words ot their synonyms. The last sentence of the introduction should include a thesis statement, which shows the point of view or direction that will be taken in the answer.

  • Body paragraphs
Body paragraph each consist of several sentences that are arranged in a logical way to develop main idea. You can expect to write about 3 body paragraph for a task 2 answer. Each of these contains an appropriate connective word to ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs. This connective is then put in a topic sentence, which is the main point of the paragraph clearly stated in sentence. Every sentence in the paragraph must be directly related to it. Try to develop every paragraph adequately. This may be done through the use of examples, explanation, detail, logical inference, cause and effect, or making comparison or contrasts. There are many different ways to organise your ideas for body paragraphs. Be confident of the ideas you choose.

The conclusion

A good conclusion serves several purpose:
  • It indicates the end of your essays
  • It gives your final thoughts and assessments on the essay subject.
  • It weighs up the points in your essay and should strengthen your thesis statement.
Do not simply repeat your opening paragraph. This appears too mechanical and superficial.

~GoodLuck.semoga berhasil~

Working out IELTS unfamiliar vocabulary

When reading a passage in the IELTS test, it is most likely that you will come across words with which you are unfamiliar. Be prepare for this. You may not need to understand the exact meaning of unknown word, unless there is a question directly related to it. If you do need to know the meaning of an unfamiliar word, don't panic. There are various strategies that you can use to work out the meaning of the unknown words:

Check the context

Are there any clues in the surrounding word or phrases ? look particulary at the words just before and just after the unfamiliar words.

Look for a definition

Sometimes the writers realise that the words is an uncommon one so they define, restate, expalin or give an example of it. Words that signal meaning often include 'is', 'means', 'refers to', 'that is', 'consist of'. For example, "Snoring is a noise generated by vibration of the soft parts of the throat during sleep". The word 'is' signals a definition. Remember, too, to check if there is a glossary.

Identify the word's place and purpose

Is it a noun, adjective, verb or adverb in the sentence ? Are there any punctuation clues, for example semicolons or question marks ?

Look for connective words

They are often near the unknown words and will usually help to identify the general direction of the argument. which will help to give some understanding of the unknown word.

Break the word down into syllables

Sometimes knowledge of common roots, affixes and possible similarity of words in your own language can help you to identify the meaning.

Treat the unknown words as an algebraic entity 'X'

Observe the relationship of the unknown word, 'X', to other words and concepts with which you are more familiar. Often this is enough to answer question that include, 'X'.

Skills for the IELTS Reading Module

One of the main difficulties experienced by students doing the Reading Module is not having enough time to complete the test. It is, therefore, essential to read both effeciently and effectively.

There are four main skills that you will need in order to do well in the IELTS Reading Module. It is useful to use the following procedure for each text that is given.

  • Previewing ( about 2 minutes for each passage )
(a). Study the passage by noting :
  1. titles
  2. heading
  3. illustrations
  4. diagram
  5. any print in bold type or italics
(b). Study key parts of the passage by skimming. Read the first paragraph, which often focuses on the main idea. The first sentence of each paragraph usually expresses the key points of the paragraph. Generally, the concluding paragraph provides a summary of the given passage. You may wish to highlight these with a pen or pencil.
  • Interpreting the instruction and question ( about 2 minutes )
Read each word of the instruction carefully and ensure that you understand exactly what is required and in what form. For example, the instruction may say. 'choose no more than there words form the passage for each answer'. In this situation, it would not be acceptable to write four or more words. Often students find the right answer but present it in the wrong form and, unfortunately, do not score any marks for that answer. Understanding what is required, therefore, is just as important as finding the right answer in the passage.

When you are looking at the question, you need to recognise:
  1. what type of question you have to answer ( is it gap-filling, multiple choice, macthing information etc ? )
  2. whether the question requires a specific or general answer
  3. what form the answer should take ( is it a number, date, reason etc ? )
  • Scanning the text for specific answer ( about 1 minutes per question )
Use your time wisely. spend no longer than one minute on finding each answer. Look only in the given text, table, diagram or graph for the answer required. Locate key words in the question and find them, or synonyms for them, in the text. The sentences around these words are most likely to contain the answer you need.

If you are still unsure of the answer after you have spent approximately one minute on the question, make a sensible guess in the appropriate form. You may wish to mark the answer you are unsure of in some way so that, if you do have time at the end of the reading module, you can check these answer again.

  • Checking your answer
After you have completed your answer for each section, you need to check them. Check that you have followed the instruction exactly. If you have time, return to the answer you marked because you were unsure and decide if the answer you have given are the best ones.

Do not leave any answer blank as you do not lose marks for incorrect answer.

Goodluck.Semoga berhasil !

Four Main Skills in the IELTS listening Module

In the IELTS Listening module, the recording is played once only. You must, therefore, use a number of strategies to help you listen closely. You will need four main skills to do well in the IELTS Listening Module. These are :
  • Understanding the instruction
Instruction are both written on the question paper and spoken on the audio recording. Read and listen to every word in the instruction very carefully. Ensure that you follow them exactly and answer in the correct way.

  • Previewing and predicting
An announcer will briefly outline:

1. The topic 
2. Who is talking 
3. The situation

Try to listen carefully as this will help you to preview the question.
Before the recording begins for each section, you will be given up to 30 seconds to read an dbecame familiar with the question. Use this time efficiently so that you can prepare your sely to listen for th einformation you need. Here are some hints for previewing and predicting :
  1. Study the question carefully and try to predict what type of answer is required. For example, will it be a date, a name or maybe a number ?
  2. Check the differences between similar-looking picture or diagram
  3. Look for minor details such as different numbers or omissions.
In addition to he 30 seconds before each section, you will also be given 30 seconds after each section to look over your answer. If you are satisfied with your answer in the section you have just finished, move on to the next section and use the full 60 seconds for previewing.

  • Listening for specific information
Use of previewing and predicting skills will help you listen for the specific infomation you need to answer the question in the listening module. Listening for key words and common connective words often helps to signal th specific informationthat you need to answer the question. Make sure that while you are actually writing your answer, you continue to listen to the information given in the recordings as there will not be a second opportunity to hear it.

  • Checking and rewriting
You are given about 30 seconds after each section to check your answer. Check taht all your answer correspond with the given instruction.
Make sure that you have answered every question. Marks are not deducted fo incorrect answer so, if you are unsure of particular answer, you should guess by writing down what you think is the most likely answer.

Check that you have included only what is necessary in the answer.

At the end of listening module, you are given about 10 minutes to transfer your answer from the question paper onto the answer sheet. Scan your answer to ensure that you have transferred them correctly, so that the number on the question paper corresponds with the number on the answer sheet. be especially careful when transferring answer from tables as sometimes the items are not ordered linearly.

Goodluck.semoga Berhasil !


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